The Soul of Breath offers you the safe healing space you deserve.

Hello, I am Leela Rae.

I am happy to accompany you on your breathwork journey with Soul of Breath. In my work, I incorporate the knowledge and experience I obtained in various trainings of breathwork disciplines, yoga, and Reiki. I am most deeply inspired by trauma experts Bessel van der Kolk, Dr. Gabor Maté MD, Peter Levine PhD, as well as the vulnerability and shame researcher and author Brené Brown PhD.

Clarity Breathwork is the most conscious, most physically integrated and tangible healing art I have experienced through many years of my own healing journey and self-exploration.  It has transformed my personal trajectory, and I have witnessed countless others accomplishing the same powerful results with this modality. 

My Approach

My approach is gentle and attentive.  I combine courageous, moving depth and heart-guided gentleness, always with the fundamental understanding that Clarity Breathwork leads you to the only teacher, guru, and healer there is - to YOU.

Welcome to the Soul of Breath!